Dress code
School is your child’s “workplace” and consequently we ask that they dress appropriately. Children should dress according to the weather. If it is cold, please send your child to school with warm clothing. Any dress, which is deemed inappropriate or distracting by administrators, will not be allowed to be worn at school. This includes piercings (other than ear), or distracting accessories, including glue on nails, “heelies” (tennis shoe roller skates). Heals/wedges should be no higher than two inches. Please help your child make choices that will be conducive to a positive learning environment. Students are not to wear tank tops whose straps are less than two adult fingers, including spaghetti straps and other abbreviated wear, i.e. half shirts, crop tops, etc., short shorts (shorts should be near end of fingertips/mid-thigh or longer), slogans promoting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, or violence, or sagging pants. If students cannot bend over, sit down or lift their arms without exposing themselves, their clothes are not appropriate. We are very active during the school day! Please make certain that clothing adequately covers, with no gaps. We ask that all coats, hats, and gloves, be labeled, with your child’s name. Twice a year lost and found is donated to the Goodwill. Our school policy is that NO HATS be worn in the school building. Let’s keep our focus on the main thing, student learning.