There will be no supervision or entrance to the building prior to 8:35. Extended Hours services are available before school for a fee. Please call 970-241-3603 for more information.
Parking Lot: Please pull forward, parallel to the sidewalk. If you want to walk your child to the door, please use a designated parking spot (closest to 30 Rd). All students, K-5 use the front lot for drop-off)
When students arrive, K-1 students will enter through the cafeteria door. 2nd-3rd will enter through the main entrance, and 4th -5th will enter through the entrance near the gym. Students will grab a breakfast bag and find a seat with their cohorts (Cohort=class). If not eating, students will find a seat with their cohort and visit quietly or read a book.
For the safety and security of our students and staff, we ask that families say their farewells for the day in the parking lot or at the entrances. If you have an appointment with a teacher or business to take care of in the office, please use the main entrance, obtain a visitor’s pass and sign-in.